Rice Pudding with Fresh Apricot Jam, Whipped Coconut Cream & Toasted Coconut Shreds

Rice Pudding with Fresh Apricot Jam, Whipped Coconut Cream & Toasted Coconut Shreds

When is the last time you’ve had homemade rice pudding? There are days when you might run out of inspiration, and it’s so easy to get stuck in the same routine of cooking the same meals daily, or weekly. Luckily there is so much inspiration around these days with just one click away.

This rice pudding my friends is so simple to create, with only a few ingredients that you probably have around your house already. If the sugars of my choice are not the sugars that you have laying around your pantry, that’s fine. You can choose to use the ones at hand. It is essential to use the right type of sugars, though, unrefined sugars as much as possible.

Rice Pudding with Fresh Apricot Jam, Whipped Coconut Cream & Toasted Coconut Shreds

To be honest, it’s been a while since I made rice pudding for myself. I grew up with my mom making us rice pudding for dinner sometimes, or breakfast, or when we were in the mood for something sweet. The tradition at my house was to serve the rice pudding with homemade sour cherries jam. My grandparents used to have a garden almost full or sour cherry trees, so the tradition was at the end of summer for my family to make a bunch of sour cherries jam and compote.  I loved that tradition so much. I remember having to sit down with my grandma and deseed every single sour cherry. Imagine buckets full of sour cherries that needed to be deseeded. Oh, the messiness, and the stickiness on my clothes after. :) Super fond childhood memories that I’ll always treasure. To this day, when I see sour cherries, I just smile. A big smile remembering my grandparents and the fond memories that we created together.

Food does that for people. Food created memories with the people you’re cooking with or for. The pleasant get-togethers with family or friends, and all the fondness that you share sitting around a good plate of food. Food is about texture, smell, flavour, it triggers emotions and memories. I find it fascinating to hear about the stories people have around their favourite dish. I’ve noticed that most memories take people back to their childhood, or the area they grew up around. I’m sure you can relate to my story here, and you might even share with me the love for rice pudding, who knows? :)

With my recipe for rice pudding, I would have loved to have sour cherries around, but unfortunately, they’re not in season quite yet. Apricots were my next choice since they bring a fruity tanginess to the table. The combination of fresh apricot jam with the rice pudding is so delightful. The slight sweetness of the pudding is complemented perfectly by the fruity jam. And to add a fancy touch to this lovely recipe, I decided to bring the whipped coconut cream in the picture. Double creaminess! The rice pudding is already smooth, creamy, and fully textured, but adding the whipped coconut on top makes it a party of creamy flavours. Still, to complete the texture spectrum of this dish, adding some toasted coconut shreds on top makes it complete. The addition of crunchy coconut notes is so welcomed.

 I can’t tell you enough how tasty this recipe is, and every single element that I’ve chosen adds unique flavours to the dish. If apricots are not your cup of tea, you can pick peaches instead, or strawberries, whatever you prefer. Summer is here, and we have so many fresh fruits to choose from. Seasonal fruits are the best, so why not take advantage while they’re here, right?

Rice Pudding with Fresh Apricot Jam, Whipped Coconut Cream & Toasted Coconut Shreds

Hope you’ll enjoy this Soulfully Tasty recipe, my friends! It’s a simple, quick and full of flavour breakfast meal option that will satisfy your guaranteed. Get social with me if you haven’t already, and follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and subscribe to my Soulfully Tasty newsletter to get the latest news and recipes. :)